Skin Analysis


Do you feel as though your skin needs some TLC, but you don’t know where to start?

At Southern Skin Injectables and Laser Clinic, we can help you with a skin analysis carried out with a specialist Registered Nurse or Skin Therapist. This skin analysis will enable us to prescribe a skin care regime and treatment program individually tailored to your specific needs.

During your skin analysis, we will assess your skin type and texture. In addition, digital images of superficial and sub-surface redness and pigmentation, difficult to detect with the naked eye, will be recorded with our Reveal Imager providing an accurate picture of your skins condition. During the appointment you will also have the opportunity to discuss any other areas of concern, such as wrinkles, scars, loss of volume, redness, pigmentation or uneven skin tones.  

Recommendations will be made for your individually tailored program incorporating an effective routine using cosmeceutical grade skin care products and treatments. We will also monitor and record your treatment progress, offering the support you would expect from a professional team.

It is important to know that a skin analysis is not a skin cancer check.